Monday, December 1, 2014


This is a break from my DC blogging to tell you, with great regret, that we have dropped the ball and will not be sending Christmas cards this year. :( Failbook! I always enjoy writing them, addressing the envelopes and dropping a great stack into the mail box. However, with all the hubbub leading up to Neuroscience I hadn't been thinking far enough ahead to get this task sorted. Sigh. It's a big frustration and disappointment but this is the reality for Christmas 2014.

On a brighter note I unpacked all of our Christmas stuff and set up the tree - it's looking awesome and already stocked with presents from Tim's family. I love Christmas! Soon it will be St Nick's Day - hence the little stockings. Time to break out the Christmas movies - I've already cued up several Holiday Pandora stations. Christmas is here.

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