Sunday, August 24, 2014


Today marks four years. Timmy and I tied the knot four years ago.

Today marks eight years. Timmy and I started dating eight years ago.

I find it hard to believe that we have been together for eight years and wed for four of those. The years have flown by but I can still say with utter certainty that I'm a lucky girl. I never imagined that I would marry. Never. Ever. You should know (if you don't already) that I was a shy and awkward kid who never dated in high school. I spent some time hanging out with a couple of guys throughout different stages of undergrad but it was never really worth pursuing. I managed to find guys that felt the need to rip on me for being serious about my studies. With this said I knew straight away that none of that was going anywhere. By the time I arrived at MSU to pursue a pre-med school prep program I had abandoned the idea that I would meet anyone worthwhile. I said, "Screw it, I'm going to focus on the program and when I start med school I won't have any time anyway". True story.

A few weeks later I arrived at my Chemistry 131 class to take one of the scheduled exams. To ensure that no one was tempted to cheat we took the exam in a large lecture theater around the corner from our regular classroom. I walked down the steps and sat down in a desk in the front row. A few minutes later a red headed guy in t-shirt and jeans sat down in the same row a few seats to my left. Later on Timmy and I were introduced outside of class by a mutual acquaintance. From the beginning we hit it off and talked for hours every time we saw each other. Then we started talking on the phone, always into the wee hours of the morning. Much later on I learned that the desk I had randomly chosen for the exam was "his" desk. Apparently, he always sat there for exams and as a creature of habit was annoyed when he arrived on test day to find a girl with long red hair sitting in his spot.

As you know the rest is history as we started dating and grew closer and closer. So there you have it, life is full of surprises. If someone had told that I would marry an incredible guy (a redhead no less, what are the odds?!), complete a MSc and then move to New Zealand to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience I would've rolled my eyes so hard they'd still be stuck in the back of my head. And yet here we are. Here's to the incredible things in life!!!!!! :)

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