Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Book Challenge......

It's the beginning of August and Tim and I have been talking at length about a trip that would see us back in the US towards the end of the year. I'll be presenting my research at the largest gathering of neuronerds (35,000+) on the planet in the beginning of November. Neuroscience 2014 will be held in Washington DC; I've never been there so this trip is sure to be a good one. And since I want to spend some time exploring DC with Timmy our trip has started to take shape. With Thanksgiving closely following Neuroscience we decided this would be an opportune time to go home and spend some time with our families. Although the official timeline hasn't been finalized we are expecting to be stateside for November, December and part of January.

You might be wondering what our trip has to do with a book challenge (as the post title posits) and I admit at first glance this seems a bit odd. But considering an opportunity to travel home I'm starting to think about what things we might want to bring home for safe keeping. And that brings me to my books. I've tried to read as many books as I can on our Kindle but I've accrued more than a few "book" books since we arrived in NZ two and a half years ago. It goes without saying that I'm a complete book fiend and our tiny bookshelf, bursting at the seams, is a testament to this fact. I CANNOT help myself. But I have to admit that I haven't read everything on the shelf just yet. So when we started talking about going home for a visit I took a close look at the contents of the shelf. I found, count them, twelve books that I have yet to finish. It was then that a revelation hit me. Enter: the book challenge. I have approximately twelve weeks until we travel back to the northern hemisphere and twelve unfinished books. With a smirk on my face, I said to myself, "I'll take that challenge!!!". Challenge? Maybe I should call it a marathon.

Week 1 and I'm on track with The Great Gatsby. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Bridget,
    How wonderful to hear that you and Tim will be in the states for Nov, Dec and part of Jan. Don't know how it will all work out but here is what we usually do for T-giving, Christmas, and the New Year. For the past few years we have been traveling to Mpls for T-giving (and while there we usually decorate Tessa's and Jess' trees), Christmas we are usually here and then back to Mpls for New years when we celebrate Christmas at Tessa's.
    Your idea with the books is a great one - reading is a world unto itself.
    Love, Mom
