Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trucker Momma...

Waking up December 20th I looked out the hotel room window at our Budget truck and car carrier. Were we really driving that thing 1200 miles? Sigh. Ever since we'd decided to rethink our plans, rent a Budget truck and tow the Honda on a car carrier I had dreaded this moment.  Tim had reassured me that I would be fine...it's not tough driving a truck that's towing a car carrier. I wasn't so sure because I've  never driven somthing like that. I'm used to zipping around in my little Honda Civic coupe. She's such a cutie and quite tiny. Yeah. We got back on the road for a bit and then it was my turn to drive. I climbed up behind the wheel, moved the seat way forward and pulled out of the gas station. I was terrified. I was strangling the steering wheel. I was checking my mirrors compulsively because you can't look behind you in a truck like that. After awhile I started to relax. Just kidding. That never happened but I did take a smidgen of solace in the fact that I could only go 55mph with the car carrier. The other cars and trucks could whip by us as we chugged along. Tim looked over, surveyed my white knuckle driving and then dubbed me Trucker Momma. :)

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