Friday, January 13, 2012

Arrive and Unpack...

The night of December 20th we stopped for the night in Cedar City, Utah. Just a few miles from the Arizona border. There I was dismayed to see snow on the ground. For months I'd been worrying about running into bad weather on this trip and still in extreme southern Utah there was snow. I didn't remember it being that way on other trips but chalked it up to the fact that we were at elevation. All the stress was for nothing as there was no snow on the road.

Glorious December 21st, after another long day driving just 55mph, we arrived in Fresno. After everything that had happened over the past few days I was still reeling. I couldn't believe that we had done it. Driven 1200 miles with all of our stuff and our car...all without incident! It was a 'hooray' moment for sure. I had fantasized about it for quite awhile. Pulling up in front of Tim's sister, Sarah, and her husband, Brad's house. A-mazing! Only then did I let out a big sigh of relief. :)

The following day we set about the task of unloading the car from the car carrier, unloading the stuff packed in the car and of course unpacking the Budget truck. By this time we were total pros at unloading the truck. Remember that we had loaded and unloaded our stuff no fewer than eight times. :) The work went quickly and like I've been doing so much these days I marveled at the incredibly warm weather. Sixties at least! With the garage full to the brim we reattached the car carrier and then delivered a few things to Tim's mom, Barb, and his other sister, Vicki.

For the last time we searched out a gas station that would accomodate our rig as we had to return the beast full of fuel. I followed Tim as we drove to the Budget place to drop off the truck and trailer. Upon arrival we realized that they had no parking lot. Um...what? A place that rents trucks and trailers and has no parking lot. Tim parked it half of the street, half of the sidewalk. :) After completing the paperwork we climbed into our little Honda and sped away. It was then that Tim told me he was breathing a sigh of relief at having turned in the truck and trailer safely.

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