Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The next day we started out going to Harrod's - the world's largest department store. As you  might expect this place has everything and we didn't even visit every floor. You can take escalator after escalator up through the levels in search of any item you could ever want.

We started off in the famous Food Hall where you can find any gustatory experience you might crave. They had candies, cookies, cakes, chocolates, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts,  sushi, salads, all types of  meats and cheeses as  well  as  several restaurants and an oyster bar.  Woah.

Next we headed off to the Pet  Kingdom at   Tim's insistence. Upon arrival we found a whole land of things that your pet  may need (or never need) like doggie beer and my personal favorite, pupcakes! In addition they have a  high end spa that looked like it would  rival spas made for humans.

Next we toured a few of  their many  electronics galleries.  Bang & Olufsen. Yep. These people apparently have  limitless cash for these cool  sound systems. They look like a speaker but they're actually all the components in one sleek, modern  package. One of the employees was impressed that I figured out the volume control; you run your hand along the  top of circle to adjust. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome - the stain glass is great and the furniture very intersting - loved the speakers - very smart design, kudos for finding the volume control.
    Enjoy every moment - we're prauying the presentations go well and the trip is ablast.
    Love, Mom & Paul (thanks for the anniv greeting) :)
