Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Conference Dinner.....

After busing back to campus (from the Imperial War  Museum) we  put on  our nicest clothes which weren't all that fancy and set off for the famous Trinity College for the conference dinner. The place was unbelievably beautiful and we were even able to break the rules and step on the grass because we were guests of a "fellow" from Trinity. I forgot to mention it before but Cambridge it famous for it's rules about not walking on the grass. There are signs everywhere to make sure that you don't get any ideas and set foot on the green stuff.

So this was a fun aside and we were encouraged to walk on the grass and take photos while enjoying pre dinner drinks and appetizers.

Then we were escorted into the main hall which confirmed to me that we were indeed having dinner at Hogwarts (Harry Potter's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry). The table was elaborately laid with enough glasses and cutlery to confuse the most consummate dinner guest. :) As we waited for the courses to begin we took in the unbelievable interior architecture, elaborate stained glass and paintings of people like Sir Isaac Newton.

We started with light white wine to accompany a selection of smoked fish. Delish! This was followed by the main course of Beef Wellington (how apropos!) with steamed new potatoes, sauteed garlic green beans and boiled baby carrots with the requisite heavy red wine. This was followed by creme brulee served with raspberries and dessert wine. From across the table we watched as a  server managed to drop some dessert into  another  guest's lap and couldn't help but giggle. Then,  as  karma  would have it, my  server slopped a good sized blob onto my Desigual skirt! It has intricate embroidery all over it so it's challenging to clean.  Needless to say I wasn't happy but I'll just have to hand wash it. On a brighter note the  dessert was delicious! Lastly, we finished with a cheese selection from the Cambridge Cheese Company served with  French bread, biscuits (cookies) and grapes. This last course was accompanied by that was served with port special to Trinity College! I was  beyond stuffed by the end but as you can imagine it was all so good!  Between several of the courses there were interludes where a group of Trinity students would sing, opera style, from one of the balconies. Incredibly beautiful!

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