Saturday, July 19, 2014


So that's not a typo in the post title.

Wellington is celebrating the newly released movie What We Do in the Shadows. This vampire flick was shot in Wellington and features NZ celebs like Jemaine Clement and Rhys Darby (see Flight of the Conchords). As part of the movie's release the "Wellington" sign has been modified. This sign, crafted after the famous "Hollywood" sign is wind-inspired as the last few letters have been purposely set askew to look like their blowing away in the almost constant Wellinton gales. In honor of the movie the "W" on the sign has been replaced with a red "V" as the movie vampires pronounce "Wellington" as "Vellington". :)

Last weekend we went to movie and found it quite funny. The story follows four vampires who all live in the same flat; it's hilarious because they, just like so many folks who flat in Wellington, squabble about people not paying rent, doing their chores or attending regular "flat meetings".  The movie begins with the flat waking up at 6pm and Viago trying to gather the other three for a "flat meeting". He manages to get gathered for the meeting and one asks if the fourth, Peter, will be joining them. The organizer of the meeting, Viago says, "No, Peter is 800 years old, he's not coming to the flat meeting".

Quirky and bizarre it was crazy to see places around town that we recognized. I mean, think about it, when do you watch a movie and say, "Hey, that's Courtenay Place!" (just a few blocks from our apartment)? They also included "open sets" when they were filming around town so we wondered if we might see ourselves or people we knew in the movie. Alas, we didn't recognize anyone. But in one of the scenes, where they are out for a night on the town, they walked into a bar called Boogey Wonderland. I'm pretty sure that was one of their "open set" scenes because, as they enter the bar, with camera crew traipsing behind, the confused looks of those on the crowded dance floor suggest they didn't know they were being included in the filming of this movie. :)

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