Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We've blogged extensively about watching rugby in NZ so it's no surprise that a couple weeks ago we decided to head down to Westpac Stadium and watch our Hurricanes take on the Highlanders. With tickets in hand we bundled up due to the "cold" NZ weather (translate to "cool") and I even got a new Hurricanes beanie to help me stay warm while supporting our team. :) Then after getting some chips (translate to fries) and a couple drinks apiece we headed to our seats. Settling in Timmy cracked a beer while I tried to wrangle my drinks. Now the only bad thing about Westpac is that they don't offer a drop of cider onsite and so, because I don't drink beer, my only option is white wine. I know, it sounds funny: white wine at a professional sporting event. And it is but alas this is how they do it here. So I had two tiny bottles of Sauvignon Blanc. But it gets better. So you're drinking wine at a rugby game but we're civilized here because they give you a plastic glass with a tiny stem. That is, you can swill your vino in style. See below. Bundled in Hurricanes gear and sipping a little Sauv - a challenging task when your paw is in a mitten. :)

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