Saturday, January 11, 2014


At some point I started including the ongoing section, Book Love, in this blog to share what I've been reading. In thinking about my love of books I've realized something. That is, there seems to be something special about books and how I approach them. As you probably know I'm completely smitten with reading and am always finding just one more book that I would like to read. I'm the girl with an Amazon wishlist that contains books. Only books. Yeah. More than 200 titles at this point. It's true. But what I realized is that I'm happy, no, overjoyed to have a big stack of books just waiting for me to pick them up and read them. And I'm always adding books to that stack and will continue to do so until the end of time. Herein lies the realization. So I'm the kind of person that likes checking items off lists, seeing projects completed and making progress. But for some reason this type of thinking does not apply to my reading because, like I said, I'm thrilled to have a pile of books that goes on forever, that I will never finish. I'm perplexed by this because you'd think it would drive me crazy to never finish reading. And yet it's the very thing that I love about it. I just recently started a new book and remember looking the thick, expanse of the binding. I dreamily thought, "I have hundreds of pages ahead of me" - I was downright giddy at the prospect. So what is it that's special about books? It's a genuine question currently without an answer.

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