Saturday, May 18, 2013

They Might Be Giants.....

A couple months ago Tim and I saw a poster advertising an up and coming show for They Might Be Giants. As fans of their eclectic and truly bizarre style of music we decided to get tickets.

We arrived early because we can't help it and even if you arrive late in Kiwiland you will probably still beat the crowd. Surprisingly you could actually walk right up to the stage so we were able to stand ridiculously close to the action. As the place started to fill up the temperature began to climb. Before They Might Be Giants started we had already shucked our sweaters which we stuffed into my purse. I rooted around in my overflowing bag for a ponytail holder only to come up empty. This does not happen - I usually have five or six rolling around the bottom of any handbag I carry around. What I did find was a single bobby pin. Immediately I dismissed it since I didn't have a ponytail holder to corral my hair. That only lasted a few minutes as more and more bodies packed into the place. Searching again for the bobby pin now I couldn't find it! Determined I kept on until I found it. I'm no goddess of hair design but somehow I managed to tie up all of my hair with one bobby pin!! I have to say it really made all the difference in world because the place only got steamer (bleh...) as the show progressed.

The moment arrived, after an absurd number of sound checks, double checks and triple checks on all the equipment, They Might Be Giants took the stage!! Now unless you've heard their music there is no way to describe it. But let's just say that the show was amazing - you can't go wrong with a grimacing drummer who won't stop, ridiculous electric guitar and bass solos as well as a guy playing the accordion. They played many of the classics like Istanbul (Not Constantinople), Particle Man, Birdhouse in Your Soul and The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas mixed with newer material from their newly released album Nanobots. So. Good.

And you know what I noticed more than anything else about this concert?? There were exponentially more nerds in the audience than those at Nerdnite. :) Needless to say we felt quite at home.

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