Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Big 3-0....

Not too long ago I crossed over from my twenties into my thirties. I don't believe in the BS that causes people to worry about getting older especially when milestone birthdays roll around. At the same time I was wondering if I would feel any different because people really do make a big deal about turning 30. In short, I don't feel any different and in truth I haven't noticed a difference ever since I turned 25. For some reason that one felt a little more 'adult-like' than previous ones. :)

On the day I had the pleasure of staying up late the night before because I love being a night owl and a colleague gave me the gift of running my experiment so I didn't have to climb the hill and spend three hours collecting data. I'm back to the seven-days-a-week data collection - hooray! 

In the morning we slept in late and then Tim had one surprise after another. He kept asking me if there were treats (candy) that I would have if we were back in the US. After mentioning Starbursts and Hot Tamales he produced both from some tucked away stash of birthday gifts. :)

Later we were talking about the hobbies that we would like to pursue while we're here in NZ and I mentioned that I wanted to spend more time practicing my ukulele. He bought it for me for my birthday last year and I've been teaching myself, slowly but surely. What he did next brought tears to my eyes because it was so thoughtful. He said, "Well, honey, it might help if you had a strap for your ukulele" and produced a little strap especially designed for my tiny instrument. Like he said I had wanted to fit it with a strap so I could more easily hold it and have correct finger placement on the strings to produce different chords. He hears everything that I say and remembers the things that will encourage and help me to pursue my goals. :)

Tim then whisked me out to get a chai latte from Starbucks - I cannot get enough of them. Then, in true sneaky Tim style, he said he had to go to the bathroom but I should order our drinks. I didn't think anything of it until he found me browsing in the bookstore next door. He had a cake box in his hands and a classic smirk on his face. :) Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting!

We took the cake home and were talking about the fact that I want to learn how to play the piano. I recently learned that he wants to do the same and so we spent part of the afternoon looking at pianos and keyboards! I was shocked to find that, if we decide to pursue this, it would be financially possible  (since so many items are ridiculously priced here in NZ). We're carefully looking at the budget but I think we'll be able to purchase a reasonably priced digital piano that is slim enough to fit in our little apartment. Needless to say I was tickled pink to be out with Tim looking into this shared interest of ours. :) 

The day was absolutely gorgeous and Tim told me later that he had ordered it special for my big day. :) We spent some time walking around and stopped in at a Belgium restaurant called Leuven. We had the most delicious chicken stuffed pancakes with a selection of croquettes on the side. Talk about your comfort food. 

Later when we were home I opened gifts that had been mailed from family in Canada - with such expensive clothing here I was delighted to find several tops, scarves and some cool jewelry. :) Next had me close my eyes as he dug out a present that was carefully hidden in the closet. I wasn't sure what to think at first when I laid eyes on a black tube about two feet long. I wondered if it was a print - we had been discussing what art we would like to put up on the walls so this seemed logical.

I opened the end of the tube and peered in to see the end of a sunshine yellow umbrella! I had been meaning to buy one ever since we arrived here last year but I was always hesitant because Wellington is famous for it's extreme, almost constant wind. I've been weighing the pros and cons of getting one all this time and had decided that it was time. Leave it to Timmy to do the research and find an umbrella that was specially designed for Windy Welly!! It's hard to explain but this may be the best umbrella ever made with reinforced spines to make it extra strong. Since my birthday I've used it several times, we are going into 'winter', and it is amazing!! I feel like I have a fighting chance to stay dry despite the rain - you don't know how much of a relief this is when you have to walk everywhere for everything. :) So just like Tim is amazing at listening and remembering what I say he's also incredible at finding stellar products that really do the job. He is the most thoughtful person I know. :)

Soon after we headed out for dinner at The Fork & Brewer - a cool, upstairs bar/brewery with restaurant and balcony seating. I had the opportunity to try a new cider, a new found passion since we arrived in Wellington last year, that was brewed right there at the restaurant. You have to understand what a novelty it is to have a tap beverage when you don't ever drink beer. I've become so used to the fact that I order a cocktail or something premade in a bottle (Mike's hard lemonade). A year later this is still fun to be able to order something and say 'on tap'. :)

For dinner we ordered the grilled halloumi for me and a burger for Tim. I had never tried halloumi before we moved to NZ and for those that are wondering it is a salty, dense cheese that is grilled and served on bread, toast, garlic bread, or on a sandwich as a vegetarian option. Both dishes were delicious and yet we were unable to resist the dessert doughnuts. I'd say they were the best part of the meal and like no other doughnuts I've ever tried. They were made with a chocolate batter base and drizzled with more chocolate, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with a side of cream. Because, you know, everything is better with cream. It must be a NZ past time because you see if everywhere. When you order a dessert they'll ask you whether you want yogurt or cream on the side. I can't say that I order the yogurt much. :)

In the end we had a great day and I learned that my birthday would continue beyond the day. Tim is taking me to the next opera that is coming to Wellington - The Flying Dutchman!!! Again, this is something I've always wanted to do and now we have put this into the schedule. I cannot wait to see what it's like - I'm sure it will be amazing!!! And that's Timmy - he continually finds ways to surprise me whether it's some small like a type of candy that I like or taking me to the opera because I've always wanted to go. More than anything I couldn't be happier to be embarking into my 30s with my partner in crime - I'm the luckiest woman on the planet! :) True story.

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