Sunday, March 24, 2013

Relay for Life 2013

Tim and I, along with a team of about forty people, participated in Relay for Life here in Wellington this past weekend. Altogether we raised over $30,000 which was TWICE our original goal!! Needless to say it was very exciting to be a part of this effort. We'd like to thank all our friends and family who supported us along the way - you helped us obliterate our goal!! :)

Our team gathered to remember and celebrate a man named Paul Callaghan; he was a prolific physics researcher (he founded the NMR lab that Tim currently works in) as well as a highly influential New Zealander (he wrote three books about NZ commerce, industry and technology and was named New Zealander of the year). We had the privilege of meeting him when we first arrived in New Zealand last year. At the time he was very ill but still spent time visiting his students and colleagues in the lab. I was struck by the fact that even during the later course of his illness he was still interested and concerned about everyone in the lab. When we were introduced he immediately asked us if we were doing alright, had we found a place to live?, did we need help with anything?, etc. I was touched that he was worried about us and as concerned about me as he was about Tim. We should all be more like him.

After he succumbed to the disease the lab group starting putting together this Relay for Life group that was later dubbed Team Paul Callaghan. Our team logo was designed by one of our team members, Dafnis.

The Relay began Saturday afternoon with the opening ceremony and the survivors/carers first lap around the track. After that everyone was invited to walk or run. From that point on we had at least one person on the track running or walking until 9am the following morning!

You can see our littlest teammate, Thomas, sitting with his mom at the opening ceremony. He was beyond adorable in his little team t-shirt. :)

 When people were waiting for their turn to walk/run we had a team tent set up where we spent time chatting, grilling and lounging.

In the evening they held a Candlelight Ceremony to honor friends and families who have been affected by cancer (for those who have died, for those who are still fighting the disease and for those who are cancer free). Part of the ceremony was the presentation of a group of lanterns that Relay participants had decorated for their loved ones. Paul's wife, Miang, shared Paul's story with the audience and how we were celebrating his legacy. Others shared songs and poems - it was an emotionally charged experience and I was glad to Timmy by my side. :)

After the Candlelight Ceremony we walked home to nap for a few hours before we walked back to the event for our 'track time' from 4-5am. In an attempt to be helpful we volunteered for times that no one else wanted. At 4am the team baton (with transponder to record the number of laps) was handed to me and Timmy and I started off around the track. In the end we both spent time walking and running. After Tim handed the baton off to the next runner we stayed on the track to keep going as long as we could. For me that was about another hour before I got tired and went back to the team tent for water. Timmy stayed and ran another hour beyond that - he was unstoppable!! Around 7am we decided to head home to shower, hydrate and watch the Minnesota Wild take on the San Jose Sharks (7am game). We managed to stay awake for the game (just barely) - Wild won! - and then collapsed for a few hours. Then we went out to do our errands for the week. Now we are committed to relaxing for the rest of our Sunday. :)

Relay for Life 2013: Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back!!!

Even though the event closed earlier this morning you can still donate if you like (for up to four weeks after the event):

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