Sunday, December 23, 2012

The final countdown.....

I am just three days away from officially completing the first, of four, huge projects for my dissertation!! Since we returned to New Zealand (middle of September), after visiting family in the US, I've been working on this project seven days a week. Needless to say, I'm more than ready to see it completed and that will happen the day after Christmas (Boxing Day). For the past week I've been trying to adjust my attitude regarding the fact that I'll have to visit the lab for a few hours on Christmas Day. I mean we were planning to be here in Wellington anyway but I really didn't want to spend part of the holiday in the lab. Just today I learned that tomorrow (Christmas Eve) will be the last day I will collect data for my experiment. As luck would have it, but really it rarely works out so beautifully, I WON'T have to work on Christmas Day and instead can spend the day at home with Timmy enjoying Christmas breakfast, opening presents and not thinking about work. :) With that said to finish the last, time-dependent portion of my experiment I'll have to visit the lab for just an hour on Boxing Day. With Christmas Day off I cannot complain and as I write this post I have a big, cheesy smile on my face. :) I couldn't be happier.

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