Friday, November 30, 2012

Off to Australia

Hi Folks...

Bridget has done such a great job of keeping you up to date on our life in New Zealand, but I can't ask her to write about my solo travels.  This Friday I am headed to a symposium on magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion in Australia; check it out here!

The conference is at the Campbelltown campus of the University of Western Sydney.  My flight was about three hours and it took about one hour on the train to travel from the Sydney airport to Campbelltown.  I plan to post a Google Earth tour on the blog showing my route, so stay tuned.

For now let me tell you about the flight as we had a number of famous folks on board (of course I mean in addition to the members of our world famous NMR lab).  As Bridget posted earlier this week, Wellington was host to the world premiere of the latest Hobbit movie.  Leaving the celebrations on our flight was Mr. Hugo Weaving, Ms. Cate Blanchett and Mr. Elijah Wood.

With the star sightings over for the week, it's now time for science.  I'll let everyone know how the conference goes.


  1. Crazy! Were they sipping champagne up there in business class??

  2. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happens on the other side of the business class curtain.
