Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas is saved.....

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. I enjoy Christmas music, decorating the tree and wrapping gifts. The tasks that most people despise I find comforting. So now we're headed for our first Kiwi Christmas and I have to admit that I've been feeling awfully blue regarding the subject. In my mind I know that Christmas is just a few short weeks away but what I've realized is that it doesn't feel like Christmas. The weather is increasingly sunny and beautiful. There is no snow or cold or frost on the windows. I see the Christmas decorations in the stores but they seem out of place because it's summer. Sigh.

To my delight I was buoyed out of my melancholy state this weekend when we received two packages filled with gifts and Christmas treats from our families. I looked up from one of the boxes with a huge smile on my face and said, "Honey, Christmas is saved!!!". It was just what I needed so I will say 'thank you' to our families for thinking of us and sending gifts 6500 miles!!

With this momentum we Christmasified our apartment today. We found a little tree that fits perfectly on one side of our desk. And I got to do something that I've waited 10 months to do. Out of the ottoman I unpacked the Christmas ornaments we brought with us from the US. I couldn't help but smile.

 Joyeux Noel wire sculpture handcrafted by my aunt Ange.

 Rodney the reindeer perched on the back of couch. 

 All Blacks advent calendar.

 Little Christmas tree.

Cute stockings from Mom (Linda).

Now I feel like we're ready to celebrate the holiday. And it will be an interesting one as there are parades, barbeques and other Kiwi traditions to experience!! :)

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