Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Australia recently started a campaign where you can "Share a Coke with a Mate". They selected 150 names and had them printed on Coke cans and bottles. Soon after a 'Kiwi' campaign was launched with names specific to NZ.

Ha! I couldn't believe that one of the 150 (Kiwi) was none other than my older brother's name, Jess. Not to be confused with Jessie or Jeff. It's just Jess! We consulted the list and saw some other family names: Ben, Brad, James, Nick, Sarah, Tim and Victoria.

Upon reading about this promotion Tim noticed that teams are traveling around NZ to give away personalized Cokes for all those people whose names didn't make it onto the list. So this past weekend we ventured out to the suburbs to visit a team stationed at one of malls. They'd enter your name via iPad then you'd see it appear on a screen on the front of the counter where you'd collect your customized Coke!! :)

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