Thursday, December 8, 2011

Turkey Day with Chef Tim...

Outfitted in his "Butter Me Up" lobster apron Tim set to work on Thanksgiving dinner. All of this started the night before. We had just come home after watching the Wild win against the Predators and Tim started whipping up what would be our pumpkin cheesecake dessert. It came out of the oven sometime in the very early morning. I don't know why but Tim likes to bake at night. :)

By the following afternoon we had continued to cook, bake, clean and watch some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. While watching I couldn't help but think about the ten hour shift I had at Macy's on Black Friday. I. Was. Not. Excited.

My mom, Linda, and her husband, Paul, arrived in the afternoon and we sat down to an amazing meal from Chef Tim. He spent the better part of the day scurrying around the kitchen and all the work paid off. We enjoyed a scrumptuous meal of turkey, stuffing, gravy, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, acini de pepe salad, along with sour cream biscuits, and brocolli casserole. Many compliments to the chef. :)

That night I went to bed early in an attempt to offset the shift I would be working the following day from 5am to 3pm. I figured, "ok, no problem, I'll probably be a little tired but I'll just get through it". A little tired. That's funny. For no reason whatsoever I could not sleep. I tossed and turned for what seemed like an eternity before finally falling asleep for less than two hours. I woke to the alarm and before I got out of bed knew that I was totally delirious. Oh. Joy.

Tim was nice enough to drop me off at work and I proceeded to stock shelves in Homeworld as was specified by the shift I had picked up the week before. Much to my chagrin I was told that, "by the way, the schedule has been changed, we need you over in shoes". Right. Because that would be the best use of my time (I've worked mostly in Homeworld for the last few years and therefore have the most product knowledge for Linens, Housewares and Lugguage). To be honest I pouted a little on the way over to Shoes and then proceeded to ring for the remaining 9 hours of my shift. All I can say is that I'm glad it went fast. On two hours of sleep I felt as though I could barely keep my eyes open and didn't trust myself to do simple math without a calculator. Customer after customer asked the same question, "which coupon is better, $10 off or 20% off?". Simple math for no fewer than 800 customers on less than two hours of sleep = homicidal thoughts. I would say that my patience started to wear thin almost immediately but I don't think I started with any that day.

Somehow 3pm rolled around and I clocked out on the dot. Tim, mom and Paul picked me up and upon getting home I crashed for an hour. It felt like two minutes. Not really refreshed but more functional I spent the rest of the evening hanging out and relaxing.

Despite working shifts on Black Friday and on Saturday the long weekend was good. Mom and Paul pulled our trailer back to their place with some things they're going to store for us. Although we've had the house torn apart for what seems like months now the strangest change the removal of the TV. The house seemed to look and feel different without it. If that makes any sense. I guess we got used to turning it on for some background noise. I do miss What Not To Wear but other than that I've been content to, finally, get to a pile of books that have been waiting on me for months. Happy girl.

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