Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dazed and Crazed.....

This morning I went into campus where I entered grades for Intro and passed my records off to our administrative assistant. I walked out of Traphagen Hall for the last time. I turned in my keys that I've carried around for the past 3.5 years. It all felt strange.

Then I proceeded to run 800 errands, most of them to change our address so the important stuff will follow us. All the while, for reasons I'm not quite sure of, I felt panic creeping up on me. I know that we are almost ready to leave Bozeman and have enough time to tie up loose ends. And still I felt uneasy. I love it when I know something but knowing it doesn't change my emotional response to what is happening. (chuckle)

Just ten minutes ago our beloved couch was swept away by my former officemate, Katya. I'm glad to know that it will have a good home but now I'm sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room, typing this post, feeling stranger than ever.

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