Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WoW 1.....

After several days of total bliss we arrived at the conclusion of the conference. That morning I saw Timmy off and then packed up our stuff and checked out of our room at 10am. He had conference activities until the middle of the afternoon so I decided to take myself to the World of Wearable Art Museum (WoW). On a whim I splurged and took a taxi out, over three miles from town, and would then walk back. The ladies at the front desk were kind enough to call for me and soon I was whisked away to WoW.

I paid my "student" admission and turned to survey the lobby and adjacent cafe. The lobby, with windows on all sides, was filled with artwork from local artists. I was tempted to purchase more than one thing there. :)

Part way through the lobby I decided to pop into the restroom where I was greeted by the loudest mirror I've ever seen. Only at WoW.

From there I worked my way towards to proper exhibit halls taking in more local artwork.

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