Saturday, March 7, 2015


Last week Tim and I were having lunch with Tim's supervisor, Petrik, and two colleagues from the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences. Petrik made the introductions and after saying, "This is Tim and Bridget" he went on to say, "and they're married". Now we've had all sorts of different reactions when this fact is brought to light. Some people are surprised, for reasons I fail to understand. But the response that came next surprised me. It was: "Well, that's refreshingly traditional!". We all laughed but it got me thinking. Since moving to New Zealand I've noticed that many people are quick to talk about their significant other as their "partner". Additionally, many couples we have met are not married. So I guess it comes as a surprise when a relatively young couple is actually married. Very unhip, but that doesn't bother us. We are happy to be together but we've always felt that way even before we were official. :)

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