The game was surreal in that we've closely followed the All Blacks always making arrangements to watch the "re-aired" games on TV or finding a sports bar playing the game on their big screens. We've come to know and recognize the players which is fun when a player is racing towards the try line and you can fly out of your seat, yelling, "GO Julian!!!!". :)
For reasons I don't yet understand New Zealand produces some of the best rugby players in the world and so we've become accustomed to them winning. In almost three years we've seen them lose once and draw twice. Yeah, they have a bit of a corner on the market. So this game we attended was unsettling. The scores were low, the play was gritty and I was biting my nails, perched on the edge of my seat until the final horn sounded. In the end the All Blacks came out on top but just barely!
Before the game we walked over to Civic Square to check out the "Fan Zone". They had a area sectioned off where kids could play rugby as well as a photo booth, face painting and an opportunity to win a rugby ball. I went up and asked if they were just giving them away to kids but they said, "No, if you tackle the training dummy you get a ball". I then had to make a decision. Was I going to potentially embarrass myself in front of a bunch of people just to get a rugby ball? Now I don't remember my logic here but somehow I came to the conclusion that I should do it. I know, this from an admitted non-athlete like me! What?! So I faced the training dummy, held up my a volunteer, and said, "Ok, I, um, I've never tackled anything before in my life!". He reassured me that was ok and said, "Just keep low". Throwing caution to the wind I launched myself forward and within a few strides was at the point of no return. I wrapped my arms around the dummy and went for the tackle dragging it to the ground as my entire body was flying through the air. Exhilarated and a little embarrassed I hauled myself up off the ground and began brushing the grass off my clothes and face. I know I had a silly smile on my face, I mean, who wouldn't after doing something so ridiculous?! I was congratulated for my efforts and presented with my very own rugby ball! :)
After that we spent some time playing catch in the grass, I got my face painted and we took a turn in the photo booth. It was a fun lead up to the game. From there we walked with a mass of fans down to the stadium where we saw the house packed to the rafters. It wasn't long until we saw "our boys" running out onto the field. Oh yeah!!!!

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