Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Over the last few months I've been skating on the weekends, taking a beginner's skating course mid week and attending "Freshmeat Clinics" hosted by the Richter City Rollerderby league. But now my class has ended and there will be no more clinics before they begin the "Freshmeat Course" in January. At the last clinic they told us that they would be sending individual invites to the "freshies" who would be participating in the upcoming course. Truth is, I've improved my skating more than I ever imagined possible, however, I still have so much to learn with regards to skating in addition to everything derby. So now I wait in anxious anticipation, hoping they will decide that I've progressed enough to be inducted. Herein lies the issue; I'm torn between worrying that they won't take me and agonizing over how unskilled I am if they do. Bah!

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