Tuesday, August 13, 2013


So Tim and I are getting very excited as our trip to Europe approaches. I cannot believe that we will be flying to Sydney next Friday - that's just ten days from today. :) With the day almost upon us we've been reading about the various destinations and are tying up last minute loose ends. So one thing we've been focusing on it how much we expect to spend for food and entertainment in each locale. And, you're going to laugh, but we're very excited to get to visit a Chipotle when we are in London! I looked up the menu to get an idea of the prices and learned that a burrito costs about 7 GBP (Great British Pounds - about 13.5 NZD which is about 10.80 USD). Last night when I was putting a DVD in my computer I saw my notes about our time in London and that a Chipotle burrito will cost 7 GBP. I mentioned this to Timmy who was in the kitchen preparing supper but he didn't quite hear me. I said "oh yeah, a burrito is seven pounds" (meaning 7 GBP) but he heard 'seven pounds' (as in a seven pound burrito - a burrito weighing seven pounds/lbs). So he replied, "Where can you get a 7 lb burrito?". And I said, "Chipotle, you can get a burrito for 7 GBP". To which he laughed and said, "I didn't know why you wanted a 7 lb burrito or where we'd find one". Gotta watch out for those sneaky currency/weight mix ups. :)

1 comment:

  1. B&T,
    Funny about the 7 lb burrito - wow - that sounds like party size.
    The info about the earthquakes is scary and we are so thankful tht you are safe - love , Mom & Paul
