Monday, June 3, 2013

Strictly NZ....

So in these first fifteen months in Kiwiland we noticed a few things. And here, in the "Strictly NZ" post, we will give a run down of this mishmash of Kiwi ridiculousness.

1. Sadly, there is no Mexican food in New Zealand. Don't get me wrong there are places that serve "Mexican" food but not Mexican food. Feel, me? And with that we've found that, in general, Kiwis aren't so crazy about spicy food. This is problem because, well, we are. Therefore, I have my doubts that this place can actually serve up the spice we crave because that's just not how it's done here. :)

2. "She'll be right" is a common Kiwi saying that roughly translates to "don't worry about it, magically things will sort themselves out". We sometimes say this in jest when we observe this lax attitude. Just one example of this we noticed last week when we were walking after our archery lesson. Look at the photo below. Anything strike you as strange? Who decides to put a basketball hoop in between two windows? She'll. Be. Right.

3. Even though Wellington weather varies little throughout the year people still seem to be continuously caught off guard by it. It rains a lot. People do not dress for the rain. It's windy 99% of the time. People do not own wind proof clothing. I find this mind boggling. So following this train of thought it is no surprise that people find their umbrellas destroyed by the blustery conditions.

4. Please step into my office. Ok, I know that 'surgery' used in this context is a carryover from the British meaning (a place where a physician sees patients). And yet it still stopped me in my tracks the other day when I saw this sign attached to a person's house.

5. Dated. We've noticed that many things in New Zealand are a bit dated. You see this when you look at buildings and cars but it was reiterated once again when we strolled past one of the very dated hotels near our apartment. TVs from the 1990s. Yup, we are cutting edge here in Kiwiland.

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