Monday, February 18, 2013

Auckland, North Island: City of Sails...

We spent this past week in Auckland. Towards the top of the North Island it is NZ's largest city with over a million people (that's big for NZ standards). We took the 'night rider' flight departing daily at 10pm and arriving 40 minutes later. I swear you barely reach cruising altitude before you begin to descend. :) After catching a late bus we arrived at our hotel which was a little one bedroom apartment that was strikingly similar to where we stayed when we first arrived in NZ one year ago. Strange deja vu.

While Tim attended the conference I did relatively little work. Instead I spent my days sleeping in, reading books for fun, exploring the city, visiting the Auckland Art Gallery and taking photos each day. The 'big city' provided no end of subjects for photos. See the smattering below.

Sculpture at the Auckland University campus.

                                           Town Hall.                                            Sky Tower.

Queen Street.

                                 Auckland Art Gallery.                               Horse and rider sculpture.

                                   Sunset inspired painting.                      Water sculpture outside.

                                    Metal wall sculpture.                                Entrance ceiling.

                                              Large QR code.               Boxcar. Apropos for Valentine's Day.

                                                                      Sidewalk warning.

                                        Stone column.                                  Wyoming in Auckland.

                            Looks photoshopped. Is. Not.                              Reflection.

                                       Building texture.                        Yachts next to 'flash' condos.

I returned to see this exhibit at the Art Gallery but no photos were allowed inside. This one (outside the venue) is a double exposure of a negative. The first picture was the leopard's face; the second was Mick Jagger. It just happened to work out and was included in the exhibition.

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