Saturday, April 12, 2014


Before starting this post I opened Pandora and the first line of the song that began playing was, "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say". Randomly and surprisingly apt considering the topic of this post. So this is something that I've thought about for a long time. I guess its been on my mind since Tim and I met. That is: vegetarianism. When we met in 2006 Tim was a vegetarian and while I never fully embraced the idea I ate primarily as a vegetarian for the first couple years we were together. Not to say that I wouldn't happily munch on a juicy burger or consume more than my fair share of bacon at breakfast this only happened when I would visit my family. Then Tim had the opportunity to return to Antarctica with his MSU supervisor and a team of other students and scientists. He was away from Bozeman, and me, for two months. During that time I spent some time thinking about our eating habits and I decided that I couldn't become a vegetarian and would tell him when we arrived home. What I didn't expect was that when we had that conversation he was the one to tell me that he was going to start eating meat again. I was surprised but happy that we were on the same page. Now everyone assumes that it was me that changed his mind in regards to eating meat but let me go on record to say that he reached that conclusion while several thousand miles away from me! Since then we've never really eaten much meat but we'll grill burgers or chicken kebabs and no one can say no to crispy bacon once in awhile. :)

On and off I've thought about going veggie because currently we eat less meat than ever before. I'm not exactly sure why that is; we just seem to pick veggie options even when we eat out. So this afternoon thinking on this topic once again I decided that I would conduct the experiment and see what I learn. That is, until my birthday, three weeks away, I will refrain from eating meat. I have no idea what to expect. Will it be ridiculously easy? Will I miss it? Will I feel healthier? Or will I never feel full? Since I don't have answers to these questions I will collect the data and see what happens.

I mentioned this idea to Timmy and immediately he said he would do it with me. I told him, "You won't have any problems because you're an old pro". So here goes nothing. Embrace the veggie!

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