Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Christmas in February.....

We soon arrived at the rental house, unloaded the luggage, paid the drivers and set to taking everything inside. With an entryway full of bags we herded everyone up the steps to the main living area so they could look around and choose their bedrooms. Despite their exhaustion and excitement from the flights everyone was in good spirits and there was nothing but resounding praise as they toured the house. :) Admittedly, we felt proud that they were happy with what we had selected. Next, everyone set to taking their bags to their respective rooms and that's when my mom started unloading the "goodies" they had brought for us. Weeks before the trip we had talked to Linda and Paul and they wanted to know what they could bring us. So I requested bottles of shampoo and conditioner, decent nail polish and, what can I say, I'm a fiend and asked for a couple books that I had been waiting to buy when we traveled home. In addition, my mom brought me a beautiful, beaded clutch handbag, a gorgeous scarf and a bohemian dress. I had also asked for some Clinique skin care because I cannot justify buying it here (triple cost!). They had been kind enough to buy me double what I had asked for and needless to say I felt beyond spoiled sitting on the couch swimming in treats from home. :)

Later that afternoon we walked the group down into nearby suburb, Kilbirnie, where we visited the grocery store and bought all the beverages we couldn't carry the day before. I can't tell you how nice it was to have a few more sets of hands to help carry things home from the store. :)

That night we decided on an easy meal and ordered pizza to serve with salad, veggies and dip with an assortment of potato chips. We stayed awhile chatting about everything, still marveling at the fact that we were all in the same place at the same time. :) Then it was time for Landy to tuck Josephine in bed and we weren't surprised that we didn't see him again after that. They were all spent from traveling and adjusting to the time difference so we said our "goodnights" and headed home ourselves.

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